Silver Sneakers Centennial Center of Generations Denver YMCA

December 31, 2024

Our commitment is to provide our members with exceptional service and support throughout your journey with us. 

**Important Notice**

Are you considering changing your healthcare insurance provider? We want to ensure that there are no interruptions to your YMCA membership and that you continue to receive the high-quality care and services you deserve.

Are you a former YMCA member looking to reactivate your insurance-based membership?

Verify your eligibility for one of the following insurance-based memberships:

  • Renew Active
  • Silver Sneakers
  • Active & Fit + Direct
  • OnePass
  • Silver & Fit

Verify Your Eligibility

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at are here to help! We look forward to supporting your health and wellness needs.